Structural Medicine


Serving Sedro-Woolley, Concrete &  Skagit Valley in Washington

What is Structural Medicine?
Structural Medicine is an advanced form of bodywork that uses myofascial release, postural analysis and movement re-education to restore proper alignment and function to a client’s body.  It is often used to treat injuries, chronic pain, and movement dysfunctions.

This approach bridges well-established and evidence-based evaluation tools found in mainstream medicine with the latest scientific developments in alternative treatment therapies.

Distinctive to the field of structural integration, Structural Medicine uses objective evaluations, customized treatment and a collaborative team approach to address your unique health issues.  Practitioners are able to directly address specific pathologies and pain, making new ranges of motion available, increasing kinesthetic awareness, and enabling clients to move through life with ease.

What is myofascia?
Myofascia is a connective tissue network that surrounds our muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves and organs.  This web provides support and flexibility through our entire body.  When this network maintains its elastic nature, it glides and stretches as we move.  Alternatively, when our myofascial network becomes shortened, it can impair posture and overall movement function.  This results in poor postural habits, chronic pain, injury and reduced range of motion, as well as pathologies such as carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, headaches, back pain and thoracic outlet syndrome.


Myofascial Length Testing™

Myofascial Length Testing™
Unique to Structural Medicine is a sophisticated diagnostic procedure, Myofascial Length Testing™ (MFLT™).  MFLT™ is essential for treatment of complex interrelated traumas.  The objective findings empower the practitioner to formulate a customized plan for treatment of individual pathologies and provides objective pre-and post-treatment measurements of progress.

Extensive Evaluation
Structural Medicine involves extensive evaluation of postural aligmnemt and movement, in order to balance the myofascial tone, length and strength across all the major joints of the body.  Through myofascial reorganization, the Structural Medicine process moves the body toward a more efficient orientation and function in gravity.

Body Awareness & Pain Reduction
Through verbal dialogue and movement re-education, Structural Medicine helps uncover attitudes and unconscious beliefs that contribute to our limited postural integrity and efficient movement dynamics.  By means of an integrative process of postural evalation, MFLT™, manual therapy, dialogue, movement and neuro-muscular re-education, a newfound empowered awareness develops to re-shape posture, movement patterns, and sense of self.  This often results in the alleviation or reduction of pain associated with pathology.

Suzy Cornell, Structural Medicine Practitioner Suzy underwent a rigorous 4-year training of over 2,500 hours to develop a thorough understanding of anatomy, pathology, postural analysis, neuro-muscular reeducation and movement.  She combines this with over twenty years of experience in Adult Wellness to provide a complete system of healing for her clients.

A treatment

A treatment

What is a treatment like?

Initial session is 90 minutes with complete intake and evaluation. After that, sessions may be anywhere from 30-90 minutes depending on the individual’s treatment needs. We begin with a check-in on how you, the client, are doing, then do some movement such as walking or reaching or mimicking of a daily activity. Assessments of movement and range of motion are evaluated, a plan is developed for the session, and a hands-on treatment begins with methods selected with the goal of reorganizing fascial structures into more efficient alignment. We then reevaluate and repeat movements from the beginning of the session to integrate awareness of new movement patterns and range of motion. Some form of simple homework exercise is given that will help to reeducate the body into these new movement patterns, or to develop an awareness of a postural habit or movement.


Then you’re off, relaxed, refreshed, and calm….   🙂

Founders Structural Medicine is based on the life work of Donna Bajelis (Physical Therapist & Hellerworker) and biochemist Dr. Ida P. Rolf (founder of Rolfing).  Dr. Rolf found she could achieve positive change in people’s posture and function through manipulation of connective tissue.  Using these principles, Donna Bajelis contributed her extensive study of physical therapy & orthopedic medicine to develop a system of testing (MFLT™) so that each client’s unique fascial structure can be evaluated and treated.